
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:01:36
初中英语题 who will you have (A) to the film with u1.---who will you have (A) to the film with u? ---Tina,of course A go B gone C togo D going 2.---Daddy,can i doit tomorrow instead of today?----Never leave until tomorrow (C) can be done ⑴介绍:1.I have seen the film .I don’t want to see it again.2.I have never visited the⑴介绍:1.Ihave seen the film .I don’t want to see it again.2.I have never visited the USA.3.Have you answered all the questions?4.Have you ever been t Do you want to go to see the film whith me?Oh,I have ___seen the film I want to go to a movie,可以说成I want to go to movie吗 谁有2011四级题及答案啊 十点十五之前要啊 要真题. 历年英语四级试题题目及解析 李阳疯狂英语目前怎么样 英语翻译可以帮我全翻译吗?我真的很想知道 什么动物有3只眼,4个鼻子,和9个嘴,5个耳朵是什么动物啊! 有一种动物,两个头,四只眼,两条腿,四只耳朵,两个嘴和鼻子,请问这是什么? 一种动物的蹄象山羊,身体像老虎,前额像狮子,头上有牛的角和耳,大象的鼻和山羊的胡须,它吃草,排除黄的尿液,行走的速度很快,但很怕光.它能否跟老虎,狮子还是大象,山羊归入同一类别? 用英语怎么译美好生活 只为美好生活,怎么翻译成英语 迎接美好生活!英文怎么翻译? 李阳疯狂英语夏令营那里有空调么?有电视么? 疯狂英语中学版广告是真实的吗 英文作业 求答案 英语翻译 英语翻译RRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTT participants camp under the stars 怎么翻译? 谁知道 The Star(诗歌)的翻译?这是一首诗歌,是Jane Tayor 的歌. the star coins翻译Once upon a time there was a little girl whose father and mother had died. She was so poor that she no longer had a room to live in, nor a bed to sleep in, and at last she had nothing else but the clothes she was wearing and a lit 英语翻译The seaweed is always greenerIn somebody else's lakeYou dream about going up thereBut that is a big mistakeJust look at the world around youRight here on the ocean floorSuch wonderful things surround youWhat more is you lookin' for?Under 英语 It's hot.It's in the sky.Everything can't live without is.It's( ) And I can make you every promise,that's ever been made,But I'm never gonna make it without you请大家帮我翻译下这段文字是什么意思 矩形的周长为8cm,一边长为xcm,面积是ycm^2..(1)求出y与x之间的函数关系式;(2)当x为何值时,y有最大值 已知矩形的周长是8cm.设一边长为xcm,它的邻边长ycm .1求y关于x的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的取值范围(2)画出函数图像 矩形的周长是16cm,设一边长为xcm另一边长为ycm.1.求y关于x的函数解析式,并写出自变量x的取值范围; 怎样在上课时集中注意力? 怎样可以上课注意力集中? 如何上课集中注意力 美女翻译张璐简历?