
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:51:26
英语翻译IN addition to normal classes,we have a weekly meeting to improve communication skills,social awareness,and speech-making.At first I thought that the meeting would just fill an hour and give the school something to call unique.The first m 英语练习:找出有错误的一项,打上“×”,并在横线上订正:( )______1.(A.Who)skirt( B.is)the(C.brown)one?( )______2.Shall(A.us)(b.GO)to hospital(C.by)bike?( )______3.What(A.color)(B.is)this scarf?It's(C.anorange).( )______4.(A 英语单句找错并改错.找出错误的单词改写在横线上.1.“Are you Lingling?”“yes,I’m” ()—— ̄1        ̄2  ̄32.How many chair are there ()____1 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ 2 3 ̄ ̄ 3.What's day is it tomo 马尔马拉海是海是湖黑海是湖,马尔马拉海是不是 How much money can you ______(花费)for this TV?每一个的答案都不一样啊,拜托能给个填某词的理由吗? 什么是信息?我们身边有哪些信息?请举出3个例子 there is a ___ in this house.he likes it very much 2+2=2*2举出相同例子除了上述问题的2+2=2*2 ,和 3 33+ —=3 * —2 2忽略忽略3 3是 3+ —=3 * —2 2 Ben has lived in this f____for many years.Now Ben is fifteen .He thinks the house is too s____for his family---Dad,Mom and his twin s____Kitty.His bedroom is thiny.Many things are init,so it's not t____.And it is f____away from his school.He often go 英语400字作文 2012山东高考数学理科第11题(11)现有16张不同的卡片,其中红色、黄色、蓝色、绿色卡片各4张,从中任取3张,要求这些卡片不能是同一种颜色,且红色卡片至多1张,不同取法的种数为?“且红色卡 求一篇400字适合高中生的英语文章,要求要好上加好的英语文章!对高一来说要有不少于5个的生词,3Q! 帮我造句 .and at the same time... at the same time意思为同时时,该怎么造句,造句三个 用sametimes,sametime,same time,same times造句BUT如果有更好的答案的话即设为最佳答案!本题回答时间为5至10天! the cost of renting a house in centralNingbo is higher than ( )in any other area of the city.A.that B.this C.it D.one Never ask how much the house or any of the items in it cost 【高二英语】How much did____cost____the house?A.it,in rebuildingB.he,in rebuildingC.it,to rebuildD.he,to rebuild为什么选C不选A?A为什么错了? She lives ___in the city,and her house ___cost a large amount of money.A.lonely;alone B.alone;alone C.lonely;lonely D.alone;lonely 为什么?(Ass P1 .12) 求分析这句英文的语法.By sending operations offshore,American companies are securing their own financial future and that of the American public.这里的that是指什么?为什么要用that?为什么后面接了个 of 如何提高英语单选成绩 用at no time造句简单点急用! at lunch time造句 英语翻译电气自动化设备、防爆电器、电子自动化的元器件的销售和服务(有行政许可要求的,按行政许可范围) My English teacher always teaches me with a s______on her face. My English teacher likes playing chess对My English teacher likes画线,改特殊疑问句 高人帮我看看,这篇英语写的可以吗?帮我修改一下 谢谢了Wish you have a happy new year of the dragon.for year of the dragon that is worth remembering in the past year life is better and better,whether it is love or learning,I wil my aunt teaches English改为一般疑问句 英语高人帮我看看吧收到个邮件,英文的 看不懂 有人帮我下吗 I was figuring that we would be doing a combination of the 2pcs blister and 4pcs blister for now.Maybe make them equal in package quantity,so there would be an equal am 大家帮我看看我写的这句英语有没有错Educational Background9/2005–6/2009 Computer Sicence and Technology of ChengDu University谢谢 请高人帮我看看英语(急救)请高人帮我看看,这些英语怎么翻译 我最喜欢的东西 他最喜欢的电影 我喜欢恐怖片我不喜欢音乐 我妈妈喜欢喜剧 他不喜欢音乐他们喜欢打架吗 是的,喜欢 你喜 急需2个like doing造句