
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:46:14
为什么这样做 微信5. 给我解释一下这个为什么这样做图中实线和虚线分别是x轴上传播的一列简谐横波在t=0和t=0.03s时刻的波形图,x=1.2m处的质点在t=0.03s时刻向y轴正方形运动,求1.该波波速 2.若频率为125Hz,求0.03内该 微信微笑表情是什么意思 这个图的表情是什么 谢谢我的意思是 这个表情属于哪个表情包 我这样做为什么错了,给我个解释中央电视台在娱乐节目中曾推出一个游戏节目-推矿泉水瓶.选手们从起点开始用力推瓶一段时间后,放手让瓶向前滑动,若瓶最后停在桌上有效区域内,视为成功 微信上小手张开的表情是什么意思? 英语作业解答(说明为什么这样做)用适当形式填空1.There ( )(be)a lot of( )(broccoli)on the table.完成句子1.Tom has (an appie )a day,(对括号部分提问)( )( )Tom( )a day?3.根据首字母完 3L英语I can see some boys playing football in the playground这句话对吗? 英语语法问题:Some of the boys are playing football.中boys的前头到底要不要加定冠词the?为什么? Some boys like playing football while _________ like going bike riding.A.other B.the other C.another D.others 英语翻译What started as a whisper,Slowly turned in to a scream.Searching for an answerWhere the question is unseen.I don't know where you came fromAnd I dont know where you've gone.Old friends become old strangersBetween the darkness and the dawn 帮我翻译一下《吸血鬼日记》里的插曲down 我太喜欢了.喜欢大家帮助I don't know where I'm atI'm standing at the backAnd I'm tired this waitingWaiting here in lineHoping that I'll findWhat I' ve been chasingI shot for the skyI' 这个符号表情是什么意思(≧∇≦) -):-D (^.^)y-符号表情是什么含义 解释一下这题为什么这么做!有两个相同的金属小球甲和乙,已知甲球带负电,乙球不带电,将他们用金属线相连时()A.有电流从甲流向乙B.有电流从乙流向甲C.有电流,但方向无法确定D.没有电流 风筝的英文怎么写 这题为什么这么做? 吸血鬼日记的所有台词,一定要全啊,英语的(最好有中文翻译), 她对我有点那个意思么?😳 😳这表情是什么意思啊? 线代齐次方程问题,求讲解😳😳 i don't like to sit ___tom's right.i would like to sit ___the back row.a.on;in;on c.of;at;on2.there is a brook___red flowers and green grass ____both sides.a.of;with b.with;on c.of;at d.with;in some boys aiso like to wear a cap.they turn the c ap so the front is at the back.急 That day I saw some parents (sit)at the back of the classroom ,(listen)to the teacher.用适当形式 some boys like to play computer ganmes and some like to w___ball games.While o___ like to go out to meet their friends A p_______ of the girls like this story,but some of them don't like. 求NBA 2K10里面的一首歌的歌名,有句歌词好象有什么 some like one girls还是什么some one like girls的 找不到啊. Some girls are( ) here and some boys are ( ),at,in C.╱,╱,at 工作同事,可能是因为俩次在外面和我打招呼,但是我没及时反映过来就没回应.导致这位同事现在不怎么理我了,我自己琢磨可能是因为那俩次的原因,要是不管,我怕以后工作上的合作会不顺利. The boys e playing it and many ofthe girls like it,too.TheThe boys e playing it and many ofthe girls like it,too.The other popular sport isf ang in every class there are a lot of football f .sports help us to keep h .