
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:25:25
日本农作物以?为主 有什么饮料或食品可以快速补充能量? 地理日本主要的的粮食作物是什么1水稻 2玉米 3大豆 4谷子 苯基硅油可耐500摄氏度的高温吗? 不耐高温的氨基硅油经过高温会有什么气味 I am 0.3 meters taller than him--此句语法对吗?对的话,为什么than后不用 he 而用 him---------------------------------------------------------------我记得:比较前后应该是并列的结构,如:she is stronger than I--而没有 i jump higher than he.i am taller than he.i am as tall as hei jump higher than him.i am taller than him.i am as tall as him以上句子哪组正确?网友们答案多种多样 有的认为下面一组 正确,有的认为 jump higher than him是错的 I am ______ than her. A.a head taller B.taller a head C.a head tall D.a head tallest1.I am ______ than her.A.a head taller B.taller a head C.a head tall D.a head tallest2.The question is ______.A.what time to go B.waht time go 流量1mb等于多少m 联通1mb等于多少流量了 much too.too many.many too.的用法 黑龙江松嫩平原黑土地上最适合种植什么经济作物、农作物?我在外打工多年,皮了累了也没有存下什么钱.现在又经济危机,想回家种地,作农民. 一本书现价20元,比原来降低了5元.(1)现价是原价的百分之几?(2)这本书降价了百分之几?有过程,急急急 辽河平原和松嫩平原的区别是什么,他们种植的作物、农业类型都有什么. 松嫩平原 发展农业的有利条件是什么 一件商品原来买20元,降价1/5降价多少元?现价多少元? 三江平原适合种植的农作物是哪三个 1mb等于多少m 内存卡1mb等于多少kb 1MB 等于多少M 用much,many,less或fewer填空,并说出为啥这样填,再每个词各举一个例子(1)I haven't got any pens.I haven't got▁▁▁either.(2)I've got some money.I've got▁▁▁than you have.(3)I haven't got any money.I haven't got▁▁▁eithe 用.much,many,less,fewer.填空1.I haven't got any pens.I haven't got______either.2.I've got some money.I've got______than you have.3.I haven't got any money.I haven't got______either.4.I've got some books.I've got than you have. 用much many less或fewer填空用.much,many,less,fewer.填空 1.I haven't got any pens.I haven't got______either.2.I've got some money.I've got______than you have.3.I haven't got any money.I haven't got______either.4.I've got some books.I've got tha 用fewer,less,much,many,more填空,用fewer,less,much,many,more填空.1.You have [ ]more new clothes than I.2.THIS book is far [ ]interesting than that one.I like reading this one.根据首字母填空:1.He can work the Maths out [e ]. 人体血糖低于多少时会促进脂肪分解 人体能够通过消耗脂肪补充水分吗?人体缺水后,脂肪分解速度是否变慢?我现在运动减肥,水分流失比较多,怕水喝多了影响效果,所以比较犹豫 春天有哪些农作物和水果成熟是哪些农作物和水果在春天成熟, 液压中溢流阀工作时进出油口有压力差么? 1MB=多少M啊? 先导式溢流阀的远程控制有何作用?如果把它当作泄露油口接回油箱会出现什么问题? “考考你:小学一年级作业.za ri che zhu se ci shua zuo ruo帮助以上字母回家:平舌间,翘舌音,整体认读音节分别是哪些?” ceng ci cheng ci cen ci checeng ci cheng ci cen ci chen ci?答非所问骗财富值刮刮卡的不要来我这里,没意思