
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 21:41:26
At one time we had about eighty people here who did nothing but _____ into ho family history.A.to research B.researched C.researching D.research 请问是哪个答案,为什么呢我一直觉得应该是a,可答案给的是d..那什么时候有to 什 At one time we had about eight people here who did nothing but__into family history 为什么填researc如果填researching行吗? Why do people have less time with their family?不是翻译,是回答哦 They will have two chasses this afernoon改为一般疑问句,用否定回答 提出"任命主权"说的法国启蒙哪个思想家 Mist丶Imperial是什么意思 法兰西精神我是法兰西文化的忠诚仰慕者.对法国文化情有独钟的我,最近陷入了一种困惑,究竟什么是法国精神,什么是典型的法兰西文明的体现?传统的和现代的法兰西价值观又有哪些具体内 the seller shall not commercialize,sell or export the products or similar products ymca歌词翻译YMCAYoung man there's no need to feel down I said young man pick yourself off the ground I said young man 'cause your in a new town There's no need to be unhappy Young man there's a place you can go I said young man when you're s 我猜我猜我猜猜猜5.16日.脏鬼系女孩第一个,吴宗宪说的YMCA是什么意思啊,与麦克风有什么关系、是吴宗宪说的意思,台湾人理解为什么 吴宗宪说的:“YMCA流出来”是什么意思? THE TEMPLE OF THE GOLDEN PAVILION怎么样 i learned to give? the Pavilion of Literary Profundity是什么意思?是故宫的一部分…… Thank you for inadvertently neglect,I inadvertently learned to give up hope.这句话语法表达有不当之处吗?正确翻译文是什么? --shall we go to the museum?----( )A,no,i don't B,good idea C,have a good time 엄마와 아빠,어떻게 지내요怎么读 엄마와 아빠,어떻게 지내요 ,是什 엄마와 아빠,당신을 사랑합니 the voices are better company than NEVER GIVE UP BE THE FINALLY WINNER I NEVER GIVE UP BE THE FINALLY 英语翻译 坡屋面什么情况下要用挂瓦条和顺水条?有些是直接用水泥砂浆把瓦贴在屋面上,有的又用了挂瓦条和顺水条,请问什么情况下要用挂瓦条和顺水条?是不是跟瓦的材料和坡度都有关系, I know no one in the world is waiting for me no more JADE PEAK IN THE JABE 坡屋面挂瓦作业应采取哪些安全措施? Jade什么意思 我屋面用玻璃钢瓦做的防水 现在漏了.请问我现在想在上面做层防水能...我屋面用玻璃钢瓦做的防水 现在漏了.请问我现在想在上面做层防水能做不.要是能做用什么防水材料. Jade的意思 坡屋面什么情况下一定要挂瓦条 emperor用中文是什么意思啊因为我不想让别人知道我没文化所以我想问下你们 谢谢了