
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:26:37
数学函数题,明白的速度来,已知反比例函数y=k/x(k小于0)的图像经过点A(负根号3,m),过点A作AB垂直于X轴于点B,且三角形AOB面积为根号3(1)求K和M的值(2)若一次函数y=ax+1的图像经过点A,且于X轴相较于 我市一水果销售公司,需将一批孝感杨店产鲜桃运往某地,有汽车.火车运输工具可供选择.一种为汽车:途中平均速度(单位:千米/时):75 途中平均费用(元/千米):8 装卸时间(小时):2 高一数学题,求解析~若函数y=f(x)的定义域是[0,2],则函数g(x)=f(2x)/x-1的定义域是( ).答案是[0,1),为什么?我的答案是[0,1)∪(1,4],请问错在哪里? 高一数学题解析?. 已知函数f(x)=ax的平方+x(2a-1)-3在区间[-3/2,2]上的最大值为1,求实数a的值 已知函数f(x)=a^2x^2+bx+1(a,b∈R,a≠0)有两个零点,则函数g(x)=ax^2+bx+1A、在(—∞,—1)上是单调函数 B、在(—1,1)上是单调函数 C、在(0,2)上是单调函数 D、在(1,+∞)上是单调函数 已知函数f(x)满足f(x)=f'(1)e^(x-1) - f(0)x+(1/2)x^2 (2)若f(x)≥(1/2)x^2+ax+b,求(a+1)b的最大值. 七年级下册语文书的封面照片描绘的是哪首古诗 八年级上册语文课本封面的图可以想到什么诗 和 必背的古诗和古文 .就是封面有个大大的 文 字的课本. 七年级下册语文课本学啦牛汉的什么诗 (2道题目)第一题:填上合适的动词,补全词组.1、___TV 2、___a magazine 3、___a trip 4、___my grandparents 5、___my room 6、___to the cinema 7、___sports 8、___home9、___a busy weekend 10、___a new CD第二题:用“what, 请说明理由!1.You know,I ________ (look) for a job for three months,and this is my first formal interview.2.My sister ________ (stay) in Beijing for three months last year.3.The little boy is dirty all over because he ________ (play) in the mud a Mrs.Wang has brought us some silk scraves保持句意不变Mrs.Wang has brought some silk scraves—————— ————————I am going to Hainan Island by plane this afternoon.保持句意不变I am___ _____Hainan Island by plane this 请说明理由1.Who designed the CD-ROM(改成被动语态)Who______the CD-ROM_________ _____________?2.Is French spoken in Canada?(改成主动语态)______people in Canada______French? 一道选择英语题,请说明理由,Where will the next World Cup ___?A.take place B.hold C.play D.happen 请说明理由1.—How about ______ home?—OK,mom.A.going to B.going C.go to D.go2.—Jim,please copy the new words in this lesson,______?—But I copied them yesterday evening.A.do you B.don’t you C.didn’t you D.will you3.Thank you very much f 曲线y=x的3次方在点P处切线的斜率为3,则P的坐标为? 曲线 y=x的5次方 在点(1,1) 处切线的斜率 几道英语选择题,请说明理由1.I couldn't learn English well( ) he gave me sonme good advice.A.if B.since C.unless D.until2.This is a photo of the power that ( ) in my hometown.A.has set up B.has been set up C.was set up D.is set up3.--- 英语选择题(请说明理由)I really don't knowA what her name isB what's her nameC what name she isD her name is whatCould you tell meA how can I get to the stationB who you helps with your ChineseC when he lives in ShanghaiD Where is the po 一道英语选择题,请说明理由Peter said that his bike____stolen and he____have to telephone police.( )A.was;would B.had been;wouldA不可以么?为什么?难道用was不妥么? 英语选择题(请说明理由,谢谢!)I have a pair of shoes.( )black and white.A.It is B.They are 请说明理由Beijing is ____ of Shanhai 1 northeast 2north 3 west 4 northwestWhere do kangaroos live They live in _____.1 Australia 2U.S 3 theU.K 4 China She combs her _____everyday.1nose 2 teeth 3 hair 4 leg We can make snowman in ____ .1 summer 2 高一数学、第四和第五题 一道数学函数题,已知函数f(x)=ax的平方+bx+c(a大于b大于c)的图像上有两点A(m1,f(m1)),B(m2,f(m2))1.求证b大于等于02.求证f(x)的图像截x轴所得的线段长的取值范围是【2.3)3.问能否得出f(m1+3),f(m2+3)中至 当0 数学函数问题 要过程函数f(x)=x+4√a-x的单调增区间为(-无穷大,1]则a=? ,用求导怎么做? 已知不等式ax²-3x+2>0的解集为{x|x<1或x>b} 我求出已知不等式ax²-3x+2>0的解集为{x|x<1或x>b} 我求出a=1 b=2 然后 解不等式ax²+bn x-20%x-(20%x+6-2)-1/3x=6怎么解 3x=x+20怎么解 2∧X=6∧(4-3X),解出X