
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:35:32
柳永最著名的一首词 小学二年级英语应该达到什么水平? 怎样提高小学三年级英文水平我儿子今年8岁,但英文单词记得慢,容易忘记,有什么方法可以记得快记得牢~ He is giving Ben some _____(cartoon) 英语翻译The exploring party was considering finding a hotel to live down 探险队正在考虑找一个宾馆住下来.这句话这样翻译对吗 We should ____ junk food_____ school menus.A stop off B keep from C ban from D ban off 28.Junk food should be banned ___ to the school A.from taking B.to bring C.taking1.What's the coat ___________?CottonA.made of B.made by C made from2.Teachers always tell us to do one thing_______and do well.They're right.It's necessary to put our he oh,the doorbell’s ringing.ben's opening the door.aladdin's here!he is giving ben some cartoons as a birthday present Do you think museums are important to our lives?我认为博物馆对于我们很重要 它是对历史的见证,让我们这些人年轻人不忘记历史,很有教育意义.I regard museums are important to our lives,It is for history witness,后 Define the term hypothesis and identify three ways in which a hypothesis can be tested. aloud,loud,loudly有什么区别听说loudly含有贬义我在百度上搜的答案都不满意复制过来的不给分! Whoes _____(book) are these 是in July the forth 还是on July the forth? subject to the following condition and limitation翻译 do you think hard working neccessary in our society?why? He jumped into the lake and swam to it一般疑问句 He jumped____the lake and swam _____the girlHe jumped____the lake and swam _____the girlA.in;on B.to;for C.into;to再告诉我这个句子什么意思? 一个女人对你爱理不理是什么意思?喜欢一个女的,跟她发短息回的特慢,特简洁,代表着什么?还有没戏?情场高手请作答,分等着您. My English book and my backpack ___ on it____is in the backpack? 填空 英语 选出不同的一项 A.book B.ruler C.sunThis is Miss Chen.____favourite colour is redA、His B、Her C、She 带“间”的词语 要快一点词语和成语都行 谢啦 Please enter correct validation text! 雷电利用什么击穿绝缘体的? 当绝缘体被击穿的问题什么叫被击穿?被击穿后电阻的变化?如果击穿后``电压减小```是不是物体又回到没被击穿的状态? 什么是击穿绝缘体? 绝缘体击穿后能恢复吗 Who is Baidu? 百度 IS A ASSHOLE “仔”可以组哪些词? 仔组词怎么组 弯弯的月亮像_____________ 夏天的太阳像____________弯弯的月亮像_____________ 夏天的太阳像_______________ 怎么变的勤劳,会吃苦