
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:57:02


A:Have you ever experienced an unforgettable event?
B:Yes,I have,that's one of the most wonderful memories in my life.
A:What did you experience?
B:I witnessed that chinese national football team got the qualification for the 2002 world cup on October 13,2001.
A:What did you see?
B:Because my home is very close to the Tian'anmen Square.I saw everybody was celebrating happily and excitedly.There were cheers and shouts in the streets.
A:Did you join the crowds?
B:Of course.I walked on the streets with my family for a while.The traffic was terrible.The streets looked like a parking alot and can't move at all.But it seemed that nobody care it at all because they were all losing themselves in the excitement and enjoyment that our football team brought us.
A:Sounds really awesome.
B:yes,it definitely is.
A:I hope chinese football team could give us that feeling again in the future.
B:I hope so,too.

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