despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:04:55
despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?

despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?
despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?

despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?
despite意为“不管”“任凭”,相当于in spite of,后接名词、代词或动词,但语气比后者轻,不如后者常用.如:① He went out despite bad weather.他不管天气恶劣出发了.② Despite the fogs we went out for a walk.尽管有雾,我们还是外出散步.
【注】despite后可接what引导的从句如:① Despite what she says,I'll go.不管她怎么说,我也要去.② I would support him despite what he did.不管他做什么,我都支持他.
despite = in spite of,故不能再与of连用; in spite of / despite + 名词 = although + 从句
in spite of= despite; regardless of = without considering or taking notice of
regardless of 不管;不顾;不理会.后常接名词或者接从句
in spite of与regardless of区别