
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:45:38
作文鸟瞰"宫殿之海"鸟瞰“宫殿之海” 旅居北京的时候,我最喜欢去的公园就是景山公园.它幽静、古朴,引人遐思;而且,唯有在这景山之巅,万春亭畔,才能够鸟瞰北京,俯视占地七十二万多平方 关于英语PETS2级我现在上7年级,6年级考了1级,请问我马上再曲考2级是否不妥? 小学英语单项选择1.l'm looking forword to____your letter.A.receive B.receives C.receiving D.received2.---what's the_____of the modle plane?---10yuan.A.age b.number C.time D.price3.can you____me?A.listen b.listen to C.hear D.hear to4.my teacher 单项选择单项选择( )1.Are you Miss Fish -_______A.Yes,I am B.Yes,you are C.Yes,she is( )2.My mum_____to have bunsA.like B.likes C.liking( )3.Is this your bag Yes,_______A.this B.that is C.it is ( )4.What colouer is your ruler I 用说给短语适当形式填空make up,take notes,end up,write down,impress on1.Sometimes _______ can help us a lot.2.Please _______ your conversation with your partners.3.Pierre,please _______ these new words on the blackboard.4.We often begin spe 单项选择.小学英语. 用所给短语的适当形式填空!1、The problem is very difficult,but we have to _________ a good idea.2、I used to be afraid to speak ________.3、Please come and support me.Don't _____________ me _________.4、I gave a speech to my classmates 单项选择有好评. 初三单词动词后面加down词 It took me a long time to get rid of the police 这句话啥意思?It took me a long time to get rid of the police这句话啥意思? i took me a long time to get rid of him. 1.You never told me you had seen your pen friend,________ you?A.had B.did C.didn’t D.weren’t17.They agreed that they that agent first since he was anxious to find new dealers.A.would rather not to contact B.rather would not contactC.would rather 用所给的短语的适当形式填空look like ,a little ,go swimming ,look through ,wait in line 1.the students like ______________ books in the library .2.it is ________ hot today .why not wear your skirt 3.--- can i ______ in the river --- sure we can talk with friends on the internet{ }it's easier and cheaper.we can talk with friends on the internet{ }it's easier and cheaper .A:thoughB:asC:or 高一预习,求解 我想增加数学做题量,平时想把预习工作改成做练习册(新课),复习把重点集中在参考书上.当然...我想增加数学做题量,平时想把预习工作改成做练习册(新课),复习把重点集中在参考书上.当然, 当一个人说我会SETTLE Settle down there这句是什么意思?Settle down there大意是迟到进入课堂后,老师讲的这句.表达准确,不要机译 I b__ your dream will come true in the near future. Mr Li will teach us English next term.转变为被动语态.最好有两个答案...谢谢! 高一预习题,很有挑战性!试验室为了检测空气中汞蒸气的含量,往往悬挂涂有CuI的滤纸根据滤纸是否变色或变色时间来确定空气中含汞量,其反应为:4CuI+Hg=Cu2HgI4+2Cu(1)上述反应产物Cu2HgI4中,铜元 高一集合题,预习中,如果A,B组成元素都相同,那是否只能说A,B相等.但是若B比A多一个元素,那是不是A就是B的子集? 若函数f(x+1)=x^2+3x-1的定义域为[-1,1],问函数y=f(x)的值域 马里到底怎么了?法国为什么出兵马里啊?马里出什么事儿了?法国为什么不支持反对派了?反而支持政变新政府呢?这不符合法国人的风格啊 刚预习 不太会1,进入人体消化道的蛋白质食物,要经过那些消化酶的作用才能分解为氨基酸?这些氨基酸进入人体细胞后,需要经过怎样的过程才恩能够转变为人体的蛋白质?人体的蛋白质和食物 马里局势到底是怎么回事? 马里西亚首都名称的英文含义? 英语翻译Vertical Horizon的一首歌……我觉得很好听,不知道为什么不出名额下面是歌词谢谢啦We started out so brand new darlingBut now it seems that nothing can change your mindI have seen your city lightsBut have you seen angle without wings的歌词珍珠为特特写的歌.最好有歌词和乐谱. 给特特写的angle without wings歌词谁有angle without wings的歌词、珍珠写的 Angel wings这个的中文是什么 Enjoy Give的中文大概是什么意思?一对情侣对戒上有这英文,男得上面是Enjoy 女的上面是Give ,- -